We rarely go out after office hours so this was a pure delight. Sisig, bangus, french fries, beer, HUGE glass of iced tea, chicken, squid, stories, and laughter ... mmmmm-hmmmm.
We had the celebration at 4XForce near Greenhills and it was a treat to see an albino boa (first time for me) and a really huge German Shepherd (something really weird happened to that dog's privates when I shook it hand ... it was friendly alright ... all for the wrong reasons).

Here's us (thanks RJ for the picture). This is the "bizaarest" day ever. For a bunch of people who are always sensitive when cameras are around, NO ONE brought their cam! RJ's cam's battery was drained, CJ and Lezlee forgot to bring theirs, Harold's cellphone wouldn't do .... and Chad's blackberry was, well, let's just say it was edible more than anything else. :)
So what is my wish for Lezlee? Lord, wag na po sana syang maging manas. hehehe. Joke! Seriously. I wish she will be granted more challenges to strengthen her faith and more opportunities so she can have a fulfilling life. You will always be surrounded by people who love and care for you despite of everything else. Always be the sultry you. :)
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