Saturday, July 10, 2010

After 4 years

Following up on my Facebook post:

I will FINALLY see my college friend after 4 years! Geez! Keeping touch with friends is a REAL job! It's sad to lose the people you consider friends after you part ways or you just simply lose the connection you once had, but it's a precious moment when you realize you kept the best ones. :)

Look, am no hypocrite. If someone stops making efforts on making our relationship work, I can easily scratch them off my list of people I care for. I don't like wasting energy on jerks who clearly don't want to include me in their life. I may not be on their top list, but I should be in a list of something IMPORTANT.

Friends don't treat friends like rags. I HATE it when they don't talk to you anymore and expect you will understand. I'm not psychic and I most certainly don't have plans to be one. If a friendship has to end, then it ends. Period. I don't care if we've been friends for years. You do me wrong by disregarding me, then we're over. No turning back. I can be civil, but don't expect sweet words from me. Thank you for the memories, but that's just it, M-E-M-O-R-I-E-S.

On a lighter note, I finally met my college friend whom I haven't seen since we graduated. CJ and her hubby Wilson are such a cute couple! Their baby, Rain, is an adorable sweetheart. I can tell she'll be a handful when she grows up. Too bad though Grace forgot to bring her camera that day. I don't have pictures to show here but we will have a get-together again next week so I should have pictures to post here by then.

Mess with yourself and your friends will help you pick yourself up. Mess with your friends, you're screwed for life.

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