I am not a fan of designer clothes, I already said that. But I do value durability - for my money's worth. I have been fooled before of cheap wallets and bags that are pretty on the outside but are f**cked up inside. The last straw was last year, when I bought this really cheap Chanel imitation of a wallet. It was love at first sight. And it was just 120 bucks. A winner when I first thought of it. So I bought the "winner" and proudly showed it to my officemates.
It was so fake I was only able to use it for a month and a half. The insides weren't stitched - they were glued together. Unfortunately, I use my wallet like a tiny trash bag. Paper money, LOTS of coins, LOTS of receipts, calling cards. That wallet BULGED just because of the coins alone. As a result, the glue couldn't take it and gave way. There goes my 120 pesos.
From there, I bought my Marks and Spencer wallet. It's PERFECT. It balloons when I just dump lots of paper and coins in it without damage. It may not be as pretty and colorful as the cheap Chanel wallet, but Marks and Spencer gave me my money's worth.
I still buy fake bags - which I really should stop. I have a bag here I bought from my officemate which I'm afraid to use now because the skin is peeling off and the handle is slowly detaching itself from the bag (I tend to dump things in my bag - I'm a Dumper).
I still don't want to buy the stupidly expensive bags like Prada or LV, but I consider Nine West and Lacoste as my ultimate bags (IF EVER I buy one). Right now, am happy with my small Mango and Secosana bags. Believe it or not, Secosana makes really sturdy bags. They're not exactly cheap , but they're no cheap bags nonetheless.
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