It's just about this girl who has this thoughts in her head wanting to put them someplace so that other people will think of them too.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Experience of a Victim
Inside were loose change, lip gloss, my contacts' lubricant, and my cellphone.
All I could think of was "Holy Shit! I don't have a list of the phone numbers!!!"
Funny, I know, and not the typical reaction you'll expect from someone who's valuables were snatched right under her nose.
But at the back of my head, I remember that I was actually thinking for some time to change my phone number and get me a new phone.
The only reason why I never had done it was 1) my number has been with me since college and 2) I already have a phone, no matter how simple it was.
I really didn't feel that huge gaping hole when you lose your possessions.
I thought about it further and I realized, I didn't lose the MORE important stuff. My IDs, credit cards, payroll ATM card, recepits, and wallet (yes, the wallet is very important).
Well, yeah, the cellphone is important, but I figured, getting a new number is a symbol of me putting there the really important people in my life. My family, close friends, and office mates. Most of the numbers on my old number weren't really contacting me and I have no reason to contact them.
So am fine and I hope those bastards who took my bag love blood red lip gloss.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Living life to the fullest - FAILED

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Damages - Credit saga break
It's a really bad withdrawal. 2 new pair of shoes, a set of undies (yes, I have to tell the world that), and a new bag. I nearly bought another bag actually. And another pair of shoes. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that I have to save money for my Singapore trip with my friends this November. While the cashiers were swiping my card I was doing mental calculations in my head. I need to save money for my pocket money, plus the cheapest package my friend got was $424 (4 days 3 night with airfare and accomodations)
I was thinking I needed a hat, a new swim suit, 2 pairs of shorts, and a whole new outfit. Yeah ... I was having an issue a while ago.
I am happy though. The shoes I got are really nice. And the bag is what I call a grown-up girl's bag. hehehe
I'm just making excuses here so just throw me a bone will you?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Bye Bye Credit Card
1-742173563 (Credit Card bye bye)

I have 2 credit cards and I am proud to say I have cancelled one. WOOHOO!
It's enough that I'm worrying about one credit card. But 2 of them is a killer. I don't know what I was thinking when I applied for the second one.
I was still a little bit addicted to the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic that I thought having 2 credit cards was cool. I keep on forgetting that Isla Fisher's character nearly ruined her life because of her 12 credit cards and her larger-than-life debts.

Realization - The Dumper chooses the real thing

It was so fake I was only able to use it for a month and a half. The insides weren't stitched - they were glued together. Unfortunately, I use my wallet like a tiny trash bag. Paper money, LOTS of coins, LOTS of receipts, calling cards. That wallet BULGED just because of the coins alone. As a result, the glue couldn't take it and gave way. There goes my 120 pesos.

From there, I bought my Marks and Spencer wallet. It's PERFECT. It balloons when I just dump lots of paper and coins in it without damage. It may not be as pretty and colorful as the cheap Chanel wallet, but Marks and Spencer gave me my money's worth.

I still buy fake bags - which I really should stop. I have a bag here I bought from my officemate which I'm afraid to use now because the skin is peeling off and the handle is slowly detaching itself from the bag (I tend to dump things in my bag - I'm a Dumper).
I still don't want to buy the stupidly expensive bags like Prada or LV, but I consider Nine West and Lacoste as my ultimate bags (IF EVER I buy one). Right now, am happy with my small Mango and Secosana bags. Believe it or not, Secosana makes really sturdy bags. They're not exactly cheap , but they're no cheap bags nonetheless.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
After 4 years
Look, am no hypocrite. If someone stops making efforts on making our relationship work, I can easily scratch them off my list of people I care for. I don't like wasting energy on jerks who clearly don't want to include me in their life. I may not be on their top list, but I should be in a list of something IMPORTANT.
Friends don't treat friends like rags. I HATE it when they don't talk to you anymore and expect you will understand. I'm not psychic and I most certainly don't have plans to be one. If a friendship has to end, then it ends. Period. I don't care if we've been friends for years. You do me wrong by disregarding me, then we're over. No turning back. I can be civil, but don't expect sweet words from me. Thank you for the memories, but that's just it, M-E-M-O-R-I-E-S.
On a lighter note, I finally met my college friend whom I haven't seen since we graduated. CJ and her hubby Wilson are such a cute couple! Their baby, Rain, is an adorable sweetheart. I can tell she'll be a handful when she grows up. Too bad though Grace forgot to bring her camera that day. I don't have pictures to show here but we will have a get-together again next week so I should have pictures to post here by then.
Mess with yourself and your friends will help you pick yourself up. Mess with your friends, you're screwed for life.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Without My Credit Card
Yey! I wasn't able to buy ANYTHING! Well, except for an eye contact solution but I need that. No new shoes, no new bag! To think that there was a mall sale. Whew!
What I did though was pampering myself to a perm, magenta highlight, manicure, pedicure and foot spa. :)
*sigh* The last time I pampered myself was ... ages ago. So I thought, I need this. I really do. My nails look like they've been scratching against trees and my feet just needed the loving.
I did a little calculation in my head. My mom's birthday is on August 14, a saturday. I decided to surprise her with a small meal and a few of her close friends and relatives. It's sad to admit that we, her kids, rarely surprise her. So I thought if I can save enough money, I'll have enough money to buy a cake, ingredients for my spaghetti, and maybe one viand. I'm not sure what that would be. An ice cream is an option but not really a priority. Maybe I'll just let my sister add her own ideas. I already have invited 2 people (a highschool batchmate of my brother's and a family friend). I'm yet to invite her cousin's family. That's all I'm planning to invite.
All of these preparations - without using my credit card. Ugh.
Good luck to me.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Without My Credit Card
Because of the stress I've been experiencing, I think I deserve something nice. :)
Work was brutal the moment I sat down on my chair. Non-stop calls. One email after the other. Order expedites. Follow-ups. Delayed stock. Ugh. Just the thought of them makes my head ache.
But since my credit card isn't with me, that nice something must not worth more than 1K. 500 pesos is better. But knowing me ... sigh. BUT NO! I MUST BE FRUGAL! I MUST LOVE THE FLEA MARKET. I MUST BE VIGILANT! I MUST ... Oh hell.
So I decided that instead of a pair of shoes or bag, maybe just a cute dress, or nice accessories will be fine. I'll add on there a glass jar because the one that we have here at home is practically useless not that I broke the cap. Candies + a unprotected glass = not a good combination.
Well, let's see what I'll come up with. :)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Without my Credit Card
So far so good. Am not looking for my little plastic friend again. I just need to be stronger though. My office is behind Megamall and we all know Shangri-La and Galleria aren't far behind. All those malls and those stores! Ugh
Anyway, it's a good thing that I got that promotion. More money means more allocation. :)
I need to close out my current ATM savings account and open a passbook account. It would be more difficult for me to withdraw money but for now that's a good thing.
I already paid my team mate for the pair of shoes I bought from his wife and I completed paying another officemate for the shoes I bought (which I gave my sister). Do you see a pattern? hehehe
The paluwagan I had with my team is over and it has a traumatic ending. 1 member failed to complete her payment before going to Dubai and another one resigned before she can pay her share. The latter is more mature but the former is .... better not comment anymore.
The marketing team has their own version of the paluwagan but this one has interest and payout is after a year. That sounds awesome. More vigilance is needed for this one.
Money is a very sensitive issue. It took me 25 years to realize that. Great.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Without My Credit Card Saga - Day 3

But right now, I wanna buy my food and open a new account in another bank. I'm thinking of applying for a passbook this time instead of an ATM savings account. But I'm torn. A passbook requires a very high amount of starting balance and it's not going to be easy to withdraw in times I need it. On the other hand, an ATM account is TOO EASY for withdrawal. I'm just a financial mess.
Without My Credit Card Saga
With the recent debacle I had with my savings bank this morning, I had the kick I needed to do what I need to do. It's a pain and a heartache but the timing can't be more perfect. I'm just thinking, I was able to save before with no problems at all - so maybe, just maybe, I can do it again.
Day 1
I didn't even miss my little plastic friend. Well, maybe I did but I wasn't itching for it. Good start. Good start.
Day 2
Not much change - although I did visit the Charles and Keith website and a multiply contact's website and I was just itching to buy at least 2 new pairs of shoes. But no! I must be strong! I still have bills to pay and if I will buy those shoes, I have to buy them the hard way - pay cash. Ugh ... *sigh*
Updates to come ...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Shoe Confessions 1
I was never really a fashionista. Whenever I hear that word, fashionista, I always think of Dior, Versace, Prada - you know, the high end clothes and accessories. A person has to have at least 3 of these names clinging to their bodies and wear them with all the glamor they have in their souls before I can call them the "F" word. But don't get me wrong, I am not one of those girls who go gaga over these names. I actually do not see the reason behind buying a $900-pair of shoes when I can buy it for $45 in another brand. True, it may not be as glitsy, but they're still as classy and pretty.
Recently, I came to realize that my love for shoes has come to a nasty pinnacle in my life. I JUST LOVE SHOES. When I was in highschool, it was accesories. In college, bags (you wouldn't believe how many bags I owned). Then my craving for anything sparkling sizzled for about 4 years. Then it slowly emerged itself. It started from a 400-peso pair to buying P2,500. It wasn't bad, I deserved something nice. But the total number of my shoes staggered me. I am no Carrie Bradshaw, but it looks like I'm planning to be one.
I keep the shoes in their boxes. I feel like it's giving the brand respect if I keep the boxes. No biggie. But now when I look at the number of boxes I have and can't remember what's in them AND STILL THINK I don't have enough, that's where the problem begins. I actually have to avert my gaze and look at something ugly just so I wouldn't look at those beautifully-crafted shoes. Whate's worse, the mantra "I don't need these" and "The heels are too high, I'll easily trip" aren't working anymore. It's like whenever I try a pair of shoes, it always seems to magically transform itself into something I need. I imagine the clothes I'll wear with it, when, and where. Now my mantra is "Please don't have a size 8 or 9" (and when they don't I'll act disappointed but I was really relieved)
I didn't add pictures on here because it will just cause me pain to look at pictures of pretty shoes.
Who am I kidding?!?!!?
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The Shoe Sale - Final
It wasn't worth it.
By Wednesday, I finally made my decision. I was nervous when I came to work that day. But it was a good kind of nervousness - like a giddy kid about to tell her parents she's graduating with honors. It's very rare I feel like that. I was excited - so I knew I made the right decision. The waiting game was finally over. Well, for me anyway. I enjoyed the 3 hours I had to let my boss wait for my decision. And when I finally told him, hehehe, the reaction I got was priceless. Not to mention that the other bosses were happy as well.
It's a different story with the other team. I'm not sure though what kind of story, but it's definitely not a happy one.
This whole experience reminded me why I bothered with this job for nearly 4 years. And now I know what I REALLY want from it. It may sound as a selfish wish for some, but in reality, it's something we all want. It's a long way ahead, but I'm willing to risk it.
And the challenges now begin.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The Shoe Sale

And now, I'm nearing the cashier's desk. I have the pumps on my left hand and the flats on my right. No decision yet. I still need that deciding factor and it's still not available for the regular consumer. No SALE sign up yet. I need the right constitution and state of mind or else, I'll mess up big time. And walking with the wrong pair of shoes is always a pain.
Happy birthday Lesuree!!!

We rarely go out after office hours so this was a pure delight. Sisig, bangus, french fries, beer, HUGE glass of iced tea, chicken, squid, stories, and laughter ... mmmmm-hmmmm.
We had the celebration at 4XForce near Greenhills and it was a treat to see an albino boa (first time for me) and a really huge German Shepherd (something really weird happened to that dog's privates when I shook it hand ... it was friendly alright ... all for the wrong reasons).

Here's us (thanks RJ for the picture). This is the "bizaarest" day ever. For a bunch of people who are always sensitive when cameras are around, NO ONE brought their cam! RJ's cam's battery was drained, CJ and Lezlee forgot to bring theirs, Harold's cellphone wouldn't do .... and Chad's blackberry was, well, let's just say it was edible more than anything else. :)
So what is my wish for Lezlee? Lord, wag na po sana syang maging manas. hehehe. Joke! Seriously. I wish she will be granted more challenges to strengthen her faith and more opportunities so she can have a fulfilling life. You will always be surrounded by people who love and care for you despite of everything else. Always be the sultry you. :)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Road here and there
It's really hard to think straight when other people are putting stuff in your head (or emotions - it works both ways). Being in a crossroad and trying to decide whether to take one of the 4 available directions is no easy task. I'm not really famous for having back up plans, but I sure as hell don't want to take the next step without a plan either.
It was just a moment when I have to suck it up and decide on my own. Well, I actually already have, but it's the people's reactions around me that bothers me to some point. I know, I know, we're not supposed to listen to what other folks say (sometimes), but I think I have to weigh my options carefully here.
Anyway, as the winding road continues on its unrelenting power struggle with me to control my already chaotic life, I guess I'll just let things pass me by and for the winds of fates to carry me wherever they want me to go. Knowing myself I MIGHT struggle a little, but a little bit of maneuvering on my end will at least make me aware I have a brain to use once in a while.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
New Floor!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Drinking Water from a Straw
Before I came home, I went to McDonald's and got myself a Blueberry Twist sundae and french fries. And because I want to burn at least some calories after all I've eaten, I walked around our block 5 times. And with the silence by the world around me, I realized how bizarre of a creature I am. I always get myself into situations that others would find crazy (Iranian + cab + getting late = disaster) or (sales guy + PA = heart ache). You can say I called for these things to happen to me. But somehow, how I managed them from tearing me apart interests me.
I still get all panicky and crazy when things don't go my way (who doesn't) but I'd like to think I have become better in handling stressful life situations (not the work-related ones). I still cry when I'm alone but most of the time, I just suck it up and move on. Not an easy thing to do, I tell you. For me, I want my life to be as easy as a hot knife cutting through butter. Or maybe not ... If so, I just want to be able to have a heart strong enough to bounce back any heart ache, but soft enough to accept changes and truth whole-heartedly.

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Writer's Block

**Because I have a lot of thoughts in my head but find it unnecessary to write one whole blog entry for all of them, I decided to create this hodge-podge of an entry
I just came home from one of my morning walk sessions. I rarely do this anymore, but I enjoy the few short hours of just treading along the sidewalk bustling with joggers and casual walkers. I work the night shift so the world is a different place when the sun is up. I get to see the sun rise over the horizon countless times from the office window. It never ceases to amaze me how the sky changes from starry black, and then light

As I was walking and listening to my Japanese music (I don't understand the lyrics, but I do appreciate the sounds - GO SCANDAL!), I was thinking of the things that concerns the now and the yet. It was amazing how I have exerted a lot of emotions on some of the stuff that happened to me. The major ones were my break-up with my 2-year boyfriend, my highschool graduation, my resignation from my teaching job, me getting hired in a call center, and being sent to the States.
Right now, I'm debating with myself on another career decision that could either make me or break me. I just had my performance review and so far, I did better (thank God). But a question lingered in my head - should I stay or not? I have established myself as a dependable and somewhat bitchy/flirty employee. I have had my own share of anguish and success, complaints and solutions, drama and comedy. Apparently, I did so well my boss wants to clone me. Now am not too sure if that's a good idea, but I am quite sure that if I see another me, I'M GOING TO DESTROY HER.
I am faced with the dilemma because I'm not even sure if it IS a dilemma. I know I can adapt and I give my best with what I was provided with. BUt the question was if I'm ready. Now how do you gauge if you're ready? When I quit my job as a teacher, I wasn't ready. I just did it without thinking. When I accepted the job in the call center, I wasn't ready. I just plunged in because I needed money. Now that I'm thinking and have a steady supply of income, I'm not sure what my reason will be for leaving my post. I think I just I'm too comfortable with where I am right now - but I can't determine if it's worth to stay or leave.

When I

I guess I'll just wrap this up by saying, I am feminine and musculine. I love fashion but I despise high-end brands. I like going to fine restaurants but I can spend a day in my bedroom playing games. I wear a skirt but think like a guy (sometimes). Love me or hate me, your choice.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Reason Behind the 4th RPM

I graduated Bachelor of Secondary Education majoring in English. I passed the licensure exam. I endured the 1 year of OJT, a semester in a private school and another in public. I taught for a year in my alma mater because that was my plan - to make my way up the ranks and eventually realize my motto has come true: "I want to be someone someday."
I taught sophomore Journalism and Drama and English and Junior English. It was bliss. Teaching was already in my system even before I even realized it. I wanted to strangle the kids sometimes but I loved all of them most days. Of course I cursed the paperwork and I dreaded the moments when I had to fail some

And then the most audacious thing happened ... I left without a back-up plan. I had nowhere to go. I was a bum for a while. I was now actually stepping out of my safe zone to actually look for a job. It wasn't easy. Those online job sites aren't as helpful as I thought they would be. I was scared as hell yet I felt relieved. Odd. For someone who said she's doing her dream job, I was actually nonchalant about leaving.
Then there's this call center. Oh wow. This was the industry I belittled for some time. PEOPLE ARE NOT MEANT TO WORK DURING THE NIGHT! Oh yeah, there was conviction in that statement. And then, just like they say about karma, it hit me in the guts. The job that I swore will never do was the only one who cradled me during the time I was lost. It was such a nostalgic feeling whenever they told me I need to go back the following day at 11PM for an interview.

Client: How come you're so fluent in English?
Now, I always have one answer for this question. "I always found English easy when I was a kid." But for a bizaare twist of fate, I said:
Me: "Oh, I liked watching Sesame Street when I was a kid."

Mother of Pearl! Where the heck did that come from?! I just laughed nervously, wishing the ground would open up and send me straight to hell. But apparently, it worked. I got the job. Thus started my night life and the crazy antics I need to do just to cope with whatever was going to happen to me.
Now, I hate Math. I hate it with every fiber of my being. I know 1 + 1 = 2. But don't go asking me about the square root of some random number or else you will get seriously injured. I liked Algebra but that was it. I respect the mathematicians and scientists who does all the complicated calculation

It's a good thing that the people I'm working with basically has the same history that I have - graduated with a non-engineering course, looking for another job, and then here we are all together.
I didn't want to be any part of their fun. I was still in denial that I was in this kind of job. They would go out for breakfasts and have jokes - I was just in my little corner, trying to figure out wht I even bothered. I guess it was a mutual feeling. I didn't exist for them too, after work hours that is. I was cool with it. I told myself and my friends that I will resign in 6 months. I kept trying to convince myself that I was better than this job. It was like when I was in the fast food business all over again. Depression and disbelief gripped me the first 3 months. I tried to let go and let things be whatever

The 6 months came and went. The years flew by. Before I knew it, it'll be my fourth year this May 8. I had friends, I lost friends, I made enemies, I created issues, I've been served with written reprimands for my lates (hehe. 18 lates in 6 months), I did exemplary work (sometimes), I had flings (boo yeah) .... I crafted a whole new history for myself that I found lil 'ol me thankful for staying.

The road ahead is unfinished. The finish line is a distant goal. I run, I walk, I sprint, I crawl ... but still I go on. The RPM will only get faster and faster. The HP will get higher and higher. Hopefully, my constitution is sturdy enough for me not to fail. Warranty is not ensured.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Si Harold at si Chad; si Chad at si Harold

This is one of the conversations I couldn't get out of my head:
Chad (points to a lean-looking guy crossing the street): Harold, gusto mo maging kasing katawan kayo nung lalake?
Harold: OO! OO! Sige!

Chad: Pero ....
Harold: Pero?
Chad: Kasing boses mo si Mahal. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Or this one ....
Harold: Kaya dapat, look after tayo dun sa kinakain natin. Sayang ang gym
Nina: Oo nga
Chad: Oo ... kelangan na natin mag-shred ng weight.
Chad: Shred ba o shed?
Nina: Di na nga pinansin eh! Comment ka pa din!
Harold: Centipede
Chad: Centripede
Harold: Ano?!
Chad: Centripede!
Harold: hahahaha

Merong 2 lalaki sa may opisina, kwela silang kasama, patawa yung isa, figure conscious naman yung pangalawa, pero nakukumpleto nila ang araw ng circle of friends nila.
Yung isa negosyante, yung isa mukha lang negosyante, yung isa mukhang celebrity, yung isa mukha lang side kick, pero can't live without each other yan. I love you pare, ika nga.
Mahilig sya sa chicken and spag, pusa naman trip nung isa, lobo at clowns ang specialty ni C, failure sa stress management naman kay H.
I have a crush on these 2 men. It's not the gooey-eye, heart racing kind of crush (that's reserved for Marc Nelson). It's the type that just adores them for who they are. They are the perfect combination of comedy and wits. No one can match the comedic sarcasm of Chad and the charismatic youthfulness of Harold. (I can hear thunder and lightning from a dist

This blog entry is just a dedication for the 2 rascals who managed to weave through people's lives without much effort. Hindi man kami mukhang Shivaker, hindi man kami marunong mag dogstyle ng balloon (doggie style?), kudos kay ChaRold ... Kampai!